open play hours

PlayLab Eagle Rock Indoor Playspace has open play Monday through Friday, 9am-7pm. We do offer open play hours on weekends if we aren’t hosting private events- but please call ahead at 323-616-3585 to check our hours, or visit our calendar here.

Admission is $12 per child (there is no charge for adults, though we ask that you limit your group to 2 adults maximum). You can stay as long as you like- no time limits.

We will have a limit of 40 people in the space at any one time, so we recommend you call prior to your visit to see if we have room. You can also check our Twitter feed to see capacity updates.

We will be swapping out clean toys throughout the day, and wiping down surfaces, though please be advised that toys will be potentially communal during open play hours- toys will likely be touched and played with by more than one child before we can swap them out.

Prior to your visit, we recommend filling out our waiver ahead of time, so it speeds things up when you check in.